I became a mediator after experiencing over 700 mediations as a litigator and a frequent customer of many different ADR providers. Wired as an entrepreneur but trained as a lawyer, I envisioned ways to improve the mediation experience beyond number shuffling.
The inspiration behind M Resolution stems from my eclectic professional career, which was a diverse blend of business and legal experiences in the employment arena:
This fusion of business and legal experiences leads to a mediation that blends the realms of law and enterprise to imaginatively resolve employment disputes.
As the founder of M Resolution, I lead a team committed to redefining the mediation experience. We approach each mediation as a unique puzzle and custom craft a strategy for mediation that empowers all sides of a dispute with options. Meanwhile, we are constantly trying to improve the mediation experience for all mediation participants and are one of the first resolution companies to offer lunch to Zoom participants, champagne to celebrate a settlement, priority scheduling, and a streamlined process to address claims of financial distress.
Emotional intelligence is one of the most underrated and overlooked characteristics of a good mediator. Negotiations are built on trust and emotional intelligence is the foundation of trust. Yet so many mediators neglect emotional intelligence. In a 5-part series, Brandon explores the various ways EI can enhance mediation.
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